Check out the latest internet growth trends in general from Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers. Click here to download the latest report showing rapid adoption of mobile still in early stages ....and a whole lot of great information on how nearly everything is being "re-imagined" by the internet. You, out there in radio land, are in position to capitalize on a lot of this growth..... and the fact that you are streaming is proof of that. Remember, what just a few years ago was a novelty, is now a necessity!
Get our free iPhone and Android apps, and GET YOUR LISTENERS DANCING IN THE STREETS if you haven't already. Click here to get onboard the train now!

Online ad revenue doubles that of radio's in first quarter..... and that's why it's so important that you are taking advantage of the overwhelming growth in online and mobile streaming. Note the comments about online video and mobile ads, and how hard it is to monetize your online streams. Click here for the full article. You can easily beat that devil by joining our ADNet and taking advantage of video and rich-media banner ad revenue that we share equally with all of our station-partners.
JOIN our ADNet and earn additional revenue from U.S. and international desktop and mobile listeners with video pre-roll, ad replacement spots and rich media banner ads. Our Ad Delivery Network provides ads to listeners worldwide.
Click here for more info!

Check out this article that surfaced last week. It shows the 1934 business model that incorporated what could easily be described as 'multi-media transfer of information.'
For more information on our mobile apps, streaming features and ad revenue-sharing opportunities, please contact your company representative, or send an email to info@securenetsystems.net.