As we tear into 2012, we have a lot of great things on the drawing board of our clients' future. We have a diverse team of developers and programmers hard at work to continue to make improvements, enhancements, and innovations in our online streaming services for our clients around the globe. There are so many items on the drawing board and in various stages of development, that we can't enumerate them all here today, nor do we want to let the cat out of the bag on our next quantum leap in the online radio arena.
Check out our features pages completely, if you haven't already. From time to time there are clients that will call and ask about a particular feature, only to find out that it's already available in their Control Panel. We certainly have a lot of features, so it can be easy to miss some of them. To check out all of the features, you can log into your Control Panel, or view them all on the site at http://rss.securenetsystems.net/index.cfm?page=features. Make sure you take a suitcase, cause you are gonna be there awhile!
Check out some of the features we have that are designed to manage your streams, earn revenue and provide your listeners with the best possible online listening experience:
If you are not already streaming in AAC+, then you may want to take a look at upgrading to the newest and highest-compression streaming format available today. Although we stream in Windows Media and MP3, AAC+ is twice the quality of an MP3 stream at the same bitrate, and far superior to Windows Media. It is also the format used in today's expanding streaming frontier to reach any and all device types out there.
Have you talked to your rep about getting Android and iPhone apps for your station? They are free of charge, customized to your specs, and integrated with social media and listener-interactive features like our playlist widget, Song Wizard, contact information, station information, and more. The mobile apps can also be monetized by our Ad Delivery Network, generating additional revenue from every listener session. Make sure to get in touch with your rep as soon as possible to take advantage of the rapid growth of mobile streaming.
Our players can be embedded anywhere by using a simple copy/paste to grab the stream URL from your player. Then using a simple HTML i-frame implementation, add your player to as many sites on the web as you want, embedded right into the page as shown here.
You can also opt-in to our Ad Delivery Network and display audio, video, and banner ads from national and international advertisers and make money every month on your split of all ad impressions and clicks across all desktop and mobile apps. You can also run your own ad campaigns for your local advertisers and sponsors, and fill the rest of the schedule automatically from our network. This gives you the best of both worlds...you can sell player time to local advertisers, and still not miss out on revenue from our Ad Delivery Network.
Add the Search Wizard to any website and let your visitors search for their favorite artists, albums or songs. Search results provide lyrics, ringtones, bios, concert tix, YouTube videos and more. The widget comes in 3 different sizes, available right in your Control Panel under the blue button labeled "Embeddable Widgets". Each one is provided with simple copy/paste code for embedding easily into your website. See examples here
Hey, and here's one where you don't have to do a thing....30 second stream eliminations from your royalties! That's right. SoundExchange's royalty rules state that if a copyrighted song plays for less than 30 seconds, then it does not count towards your royalty calculations. We save you money every day on music streams by making sure that you do not pay one cent more in royalties than you are required to.

Here is a great feature for talk or music; the ability to "black out" or block certain time slots from streaming online. You can replace single events, or schedule an entire season in advance with our calendar-based, articulate, control panel software. This is especially useful for syndicated shows, races, games and other content that you do not have the rights to re-broadcast and need to restrict. All you simply do is go into your Control Panel, grab the handy li
ttle calendar scheduler and block out those time blocks....it's one of our more widely used features.
We can go on and on, but you probably have to get back to work running your stations. Let us take care of the rough stuff when it comes to your streaming! 2012 promises to be another great year of growth in the radio streaming sector, followed up neck-in-neck by the online advertising that goes with.
To find out more about all of the features we have available, go through your Control Panel, check out the site, or talk to your rep. We want to not only be able to provide you with the best possible service, but also want you to have the full understanding of the plethora of features that we are always working on in order to make your life easier and help cater to your clients in this modern-day marketplace.