New Cirrus Features | Streaming News | Ad Network

Just Added to Cirrus - Custom RSS Feeds
Last week we announced that stations could insert a custom RSS feed for the News App on the Cirrus™ Player. But now we have just added the ability for stations to insert a custom RSS feed for the Finance App and choose an ESPN category feed for the Sports App. All you need to do is grab an RSS feed (ending in .xml) from any source you wish, then add it to your Radio Control Panel for the News and Finance Apps, and then choose an ESPN category from the drop-down. Super easy!

Latest Streaming News

Increase in Internet Radio's Audience
Users are embracing internet radio on a growing range of devices, from PCs, smartphones and tablets to automobiles, connected-home appliances and other gadgets. In 2013, the number of US internet radio listeners will grow by 11.1% to 147.3 million. Expansion will continue for the next several years (Source: eMarketer).


Mobile Internet Use Expected to Surge
Mobile Internet use will continue to surge over the next five years, at a rate of 66 percent each year, as the world gets its hands on more mobile devices and more machines are connected to each other and the Web, according to a report by Cisco released late Tuesday. By 2017, the average mobile user will watch 10 hours of video, listen to 15 hours of music, make five video calls and download 15 apps each month (Source: Washington Post). Make sure you're promoting your mobile streaming apps!

Get On-board the Ad Delivery Network
Make sure you're running ads on your players and earning additional revenue for your station each month. Studies are showing that, as we get closer to Q2, advertisers are starting to ramp up their spending, which means more dollars in your pockets. Our players run a "Mid-Page Unit" (300x250) and a "Leaderboard" (728x90) - the highest paying banner sizes in the online advertising world. It's easy to run banners. All you need to do is choose to "turn your inventory" over to us in the Advertising section in your Radio Control Panel. If you have any questions or want to know more about our Ad Delivery Network, just send us an email. 


101 North Federal Highway
Suite 602
Boca Raton, FL 33432


+1 954 481 9402
