It looks like the Google Android platform is pulling ahead of the competition. A news flash from Cisco states that mobile data traffic is expected to increase by over 20-fold in the next 5 years.
If this is indeed true, then many business and marketers will be jumping on the bandwagon. The latest Nielsen study shows the Android as the number 1 operating system, followed by iPhone and BlackBerry.
See the latest Nielsen breakdown on usage and market share of smart phones by demographic groups.
Click the charts to enlarge!
It looks as though the mobile advertising market is set to become the next big market for businesses and marketers. Along with that, we should expect to see increasing mobile network speeds and capacity as the market continues to build out over the next several years. This will be a need in order to keep up with demand.
Not only are smartphones becoming as common as a PC, but more and more, people are coming to realize and accept that advertising will drive the mobile streaming market and online music, just like it drives print, radio, TV, FaceBook . . . well you get the point.
As we like to say, you better get onboard the train, ‘cuz it’s leaving the station!