Display Any Image in Place of Default Album Art
If your station broadcasts syndicated shows and programming, we can display an image for that show on your player (where the album art goes). Since this type of content does not have a universal album art image it will generally display a default image -- either our default image or your custom default image.
The good news is - we can display a show's image (as long as you're using DCS and your automation system sends us the "song info" for the show) ... and once you send us the image it will display for all future occurrences of that show as long as the "song info" is exactly the same each time it runs. This is also useful if you want to display an image of your DJs during a talk segment.

If you would like to customize the album art placement with an image of your choice for certain shows, simply open a support ticket and let us know. Need radio streaming? Click here for special packages!