Are You on Version 4 with AAC+?

Version 4 incorporates a lot of new and improved listener-interactive and social media features. Many of the new features are advertising-centric, created by our knowledgeable development team to aid and assist you in monetizing your listener traffic.
If you are already streaming in Version 4 AAC+, GREAT! Just make sure you are utilizing all of the amazing features offered. You don't want to miss out on some great tools to help expand your reach and engage your listeners.
You can contact your account rep or email to get upgraded!
Earn Extra Revenue with Your Player

Both the Android and iPhone apps we offer have ads that are displayed at the top of the app. These ads are geo-targeted based on the app-user's location... which means they are only being served ads that are relevant to them! Just like with your desktop player, you also receive a split of impressions and clicks from ads on your mobile apps.
Just a Reminder: Stream Monitoring

You can receive email notifications by entering the information as applicable. To create the settings, simply add your email address (or as many as you want separated by commas).
You can also receive SMS text messages directly to your cell phone. To create the settings, you simply add your cell phone number, select your mobile provider, and click save, and that's all there is to it.