Arbitron and Adelante Media Group Sign a Multi-Year Agreement

The former Bustos Media became Adelante Media Group last month and remains one of the nations’ largest Hispanic radio groups. Now Arbitron has happily announced that it has signed Adelante for its ratings services, both diary and PPM.
There were no details made public, of course, but Arbitron said has signed a multi-year contract for Portable People Meter and diary radio ratings services across all of its radio markets. That would be nine markets, of which only three – Sacramento, Salt Lake City and Seattle – currently have PPM. Milwaukee will soon join them.
"Arbitron is the gold-standard in audience measurement and we are pleased to have expanded our partnership for both our PPM and diary markets," said BMT's Jay Meyers, CEO of Adelante Media Group in a quote provided by Arbitron. "As a new broadcast company serving the fastest growing segment of the U. S. population, Adelante has followed the industry debate closely. We recognize and appreciate the excellent progress Arbitron has made refining the representativeness of their sample. At Adelante, we will use both Arbitron's Diary and PPM data to give advertisers confidence in their Hispanic radio buys."
"We are thrilled to announce this expanded agreement with Adelante Media, a new broadcast company focused on serving the emerging Hispanic markets. With the Arbitron ratings services, Adelante Media can give advertisers the evidence they need to effectively reach today's Hispanic consumer," said Carol Hanley, EVP, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer at Arbitron.


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