10 Reasons Satellite Radio Rocks by Sheryl Owen
Satellite Radio is becoming increasingly popular in America and around the world. I suppose there are a lot of different reasons why including several that are extremely subjective. So, here is my very subjective take on satellite radio because, I flat out love my XM radio. Before I get too far… I still call it XM radio (sorry Sirius… I know who owns it so give me a break please). Here are 10 Reasons Why Satellite Radio Rocks:
It comes with new cars (used ones too if you are lucky like I was). I recently purchased a new car (well, new to me it was actually a used 2008 Toyota Sequoia). To my surprise it came with XM satellite radio (http://www.xmradio.com/) fully activated for my enjoyment which I’m sure will end sometime soon, but the fact that it came with even my used car made it super convenient and may have been the only way I would ever have tried their service.
You can try it out to see if you like it in most cases. Especially when you get a new vehicle you generally will have a 30, 60, or 90 day free trial where you can test out their service before subscribing for an extended period of time. If you go to their website you can also try before you buy easily with a free 30-day trial ad right on the homepage.
The quality of the sound is consistent and significantly better than my FM radio (forget about AM, it’s not even close as XM is crystal clear for those programs as well). So whether I am listening to music or news I know I’ll hear the full song or story static free with XM.
The number of stations is actually a bit overkill, but it’s really nice to have. When my family is in the mall shopping and I am out napping in the car, I can spend countless minutes just playing with the various stations on my XM radio.
The number of international stations is of course non comparable to any other radio. I can listen to news from multiple country’s perspectives which I find very interesting. Especially when it comes to things like the big BP oil spill in the gulf. The way that people in England think and the way Americans think on this issue is totally different.
Radio Disney – for the kids (wink, wink, …). Actually my kids are huge fans of all the Disney stars so it actually is really great to have Radio Disney available to us for long or sometimes even short road trips. Keeping the kids entertained goes a long ways in making the ride more enjoyable.
Better news channels are a given. Not only do I get the international viewpoints as mentioned above but there are literally dozens of news channels ranging from liberal to conservative that help to keep me informed on all of the current events (with the improved choice I can get a better feel for the spin being put on each story).
Better talk radio… If you are a fan of talk radio then XM is great for you because you get to hear your favorite programs in digital clarity. Whether it’s Glen Beck or Dave Ramsey you are after they are all there: http://www.xmradio.com/talkradio.
Wherever you go… your stations go with you. Wow! What a difference! I can’t tell you how much time I used to waste trying to find a station driving from town to town while on the road. I don’t have to worry about that at all anymore because the stations I love are always available to me regardless of where I am on the highway.
Home, car, work, sat radio is portable. So I am so addicted to satellite radio that I have it in my car, a docking station at home, and at work. I just really appreciate being able to have this service available to me 24×7. I actually really do love my satellite radio!